Lets see, Where do we begin? We have had so much going on lately I'm not sure where to start. Thanksgiving was great, we spent it with the Bydal's at Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary's and we had such a fun day! Lots of food, games, hockey etc.
Christmas was spent with the Purpur's and couldn't have went better except Ky and Ry getting the bug of throwing up but they didnt let it ruin any of the fun. They were such troopers! Santa was soo good to the boys this year, we are still trying to find somewhere to put all of the toys.
Grandpa Cliff retired from the railroad last month so we had a surprise retirement party over the holiday vacation for him and we are SO happy for him to be able to relax and catch up on some sleep and of course be at all major events he would otherwise have had to miss!
We have put our house up for sale but will start advertising and really trying to sell it now that the holidays are over. We realize its not the best time of the year to be selling but we bought a lot to begin building a house and hope to be able to break ground in April if we can sell our house. We are super excited to get a little more room and storage for all our boys. On a sad note it will be very very hard to have to leave my parents when we live on the same street right now. The boys and us are going to miss them so much and I know they will be lonely without us too.
Matt is still working from home with FSA and I cannot stress how proud of him I am. He has really climbed up the ladder so quickly and he truley loves what he does and that is so important. We are so lucky he works for such a great company who really appreciates him.
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